It’s almost unbelievable just how much the world has changed in the past few weeks. Just after posting the stain glass cookie platter, I hopped on a plane with four kiddos in tow to attend my grandmother’s funeral, the third trip out of state in a month. Today here I sit in full on quarantine, day 18 (I think?) of not leaving our house. While I’m happy to do our part and slow the spread…the days and cookies are certainly starting to melt all together…are days of the week a thing anymore…does Target still have a dollar spot…what does a Starbucks look like empty…I wonder why the kids can’t quarantine inside the Elementry school together….I bet the dollar spot is totally stocked! These are the things my mind wandered to as I spent the day making these Dr. + Nurse Appreciation cookies. Ok well an one daydream clearly.

I don’t think I have to explain just how incredible Drs and nurses are and why I would be sharing these cookies, particularly in this current pandemic. Globally, we’ve turned to them as our only defense against the horrible terror Covid 19. As a matter of fact, it’s not even a fair fight. But everyday they show up with or without proper equipment, without protection, without well quite frankly a cure. Our family personally fell victim to this virus as we lost someone we care deeply for, my girls incredible grandma (yes, just three weeks after loosing my own). We learned first hand just how incredible the medical workers of America are. I know I’m not alone in feeling completely helpless here at home. Although we’ve been 3D printing face shields to help protect the medical staff, I wanted to cookie my feelings and I did just that it’s these Dr + Nurse appreciation cookies. And I was hoping by sharing them – you would too!

All of these designs, cutters + stencils are from The Library. We released these designs plus even more in our medical collection just this week. Because I know so many of you are sitting home feeling pretty helpless I wanted to share some downloads with you all here even if you are not part of The Library, and encourage you to make some Dr + Nurse appreciation cookies as well. We may not be able to join in the fight on the front line, but we certainly CAN CHEER THEM ON and send a giant freaking cookie thank you. Because if cookies aren’t a bright source of encouragement on a dark day…I don’t know what is!

If you have a 3D printer or a cutting machine, you can download the cookie cutter .STL files or stencil .SVG files below to make your own Dr. + Nurse appreciation cookies. I’ve even added a couple super cute bonus medical stencils! If you’re a member of the library I’ll list which sizes I used as well in case your wanting to recreate this set (We most often offer 4 sizes of each cutter in The Library!) Although this virus can’t be passed through food – don’t forget to take every precaution when handling your appreciation cookies. Cover you mouth, wear gloves, package well, drop off following social districting rules, etc etc. Let’s not put the very people we’re trying to support in any danger.
Nurses Heart Cutter 2.5in / Thermometer Cutter 3.5in / Needle Cutter 3.5in/ Medical Cross Cutter 2.5in / Pill Cutter 2.5in / Nurses Hat Cutter 3in / Bandaid 3 3in / Srub Shirt 3in / Medical Mask 3.5in / Male Nurse 3.5in / Female Nurse 2 Cutter 3.5in / Male Doctor Cutter 3in / Female Doctor Cutter 2 3.5in
Tiny Hearts. Stencil / Heartbeat Stencil / Medical Crosses Stencil
I can’t wait to see your Dr. Nurse appreciation cookies….don’t forget to tag me @thesprinklefactory. Until next time, stay safe, stay healthy, and STAY HOME.